In a divorce (“dissolution of marriage”) case, the division of marital assets and liabilities
is mandatory. In Florida, this process (the “splitting of marital assets and debts”) is referred to as
“equitable distribution.”
Equitable distribution includes the following four steps:
- Identify the assets and debts;
- Classify whether the assets and debts are marital or non-marital;
- Value the marital assets and liabilities; and
- Distribute (“allocate” or “divide”) the marital assets and debts.
This process is codified in section 61.075 of the Florida Statues.
Many issues can arise related to the four-step process identified above. For instance, there may be an issue of whether or not a specific asset is marital or non-marital; there
may be an issue as to the value of a particular asset; or, there may be an issue on how an
asset/debt gets allocated. All of these issues need the attention of a skilled lawyer specializing in
family law.
If you would like to speak to us further about equitable distribution and how it relates to your case, contact us here or call 407-399-0704.